Saturday, May 22, 2021

Best in Cheese

I make the best grilled cheese sandwiches. 

It's been said. By everyone who has ever had one of my grilled cheese sandwiches.

So… Who am I to disagree?

I never studied the great masters of grilled cheese sandwich making. I consider it - whatever the ineffable it of my grilled cheese sandwich making is - a gift. I try not to overthink it. Tis a joy to be simple. Bread, cheese, butter, grill pan. Oddly enough, I don't like tomato soup, which you immediately think of when pairing a fine grilled cheese sandwich. 

I will say that if you make enough grilled cheese sandwiches, you're eventually going to make one that looks like the face of White Jesus. (You know White Jesus from that picture of a blue-eyed - Is that Daryl Hall? - honey-blonde Jesus your Aunt Millie had hung on the back wall in her front room.)  Or… maybe that's Bradley Cooper? Don't be fooled. It isn't White Jesus. Or Bradley Cooper. It's just how our brains are wired. Also, don't try to save that White Jesus Grilled Cheese Sandwich. There really isn't as big of a market for White Jesus Grilled Cheese Sandwiches as you might think. Prosperity Christians didn't get prosperous by throwing away their money on White Jesus Grilled Cheese Sandwiches of dubious provenance. When you consider labor costs in prep and cooking, plus the bread, cheese, butter, and everything you'll need to do to preserve that White Jesus Grilled Cheese Sandwich, you're probably taking a loss. Just eat it. It's deliciousness far outweighs the market opportunity.

Now, if you find that every grilled cheese sandwich you make has a White Jesus/Bradley Cooper face in its golden brown toasted bread, you might have something. Maybe a guest spot on "Ellen" grilling up a White Jesus in front of a live studio audience - with special guest, Bradley Cooper! Or you might be a character in Dan Brown's latest religious symbology thriller, "The Havarti Code," as you run for your life, guided through the many cheese-making hot spots in Europe by professor Robert Langdon, as mysterious descendants of the Templar Knights try to find an kill you, putting an end to your blasphemous grilled cheese sandwich making. 

Grilled cheese. It's not just a sandwich. It's...

Okay, yeah, it is just a sandwich.

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