Saturday, September 29, 2018

Testing Mettle

I've been staring at it all week. 1-2-0 vs. 3-0-0. There was something strange about it. Something that made me wonder, am I awake or dreaming? Had I slipped into an alternate universe? What did it mean? It was like every day this week was Monday and I was driving to work without any pants and when I got into the office only I seemed to realize something was wrong. I may be older and I was never Brad Pitt but I'd still like people to notice when I'm not wearing pants.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Questions Will Be Answered

No drama? Nice try, Tom, but these are the Patriots. The Real Footballers of Foxborough. The Kardashians if the Kardashians were talented. The Belichick Rules. Pigskin pundits and bobbleheads be like "when in doubt, write or talk about the Patriots even if you're writing or talking about how much people write or talk about the Patriots."

Trust me.

There will be drama.

The narratives have already started…