Saturday, August 26, 2017

I Love Football

I hate football.

I guess all that depth at wide receiver will come in handy now, won't it?

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Brady Being Brady

I've already had three cups of coffee and I still can't figure out how buying a mass produced automobile can make me a special, unique, boss, leader, pro, father of the year who brings the sexy back with my young exotic girlfriend. Maybe I shouldn't try to understand it. I have been thinking about trading in my current car. Perhaps this is a sign.

The wife is going to hate that young exotic girlfriend, though…

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Coming Soon to a Football Field Near You

Being a football fan is a curious thing. Unlike most people, we can hardly wait for summer to be over. We look forward to the dog days of August. We long for a crisp, cool autumn day. As offseasons go, this one hasn't been too bad. I've spent a lot of my spring and early summer indulging in Patriots porn. I've re-watched SB51 in some form - full game with half-time I recorded on my DVR, 3 Games to Glory V, one-hour synopsis versions on NFL network, various videos of Brady's 466 yards passing, 4th quarter and OT highlights - maybe a dozen times, not to mention a variety of Tom Brady-themed videos on YouTube.

But Patriots porn, like actual pornography, just isn't the same as the real thing.

I mean, that's what I heard...

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Monday, July 3, 2017

We The People

As we celebrate the birthday of the United States of America, I can't help but think of the gulf that seems to grow wider and deeper every day between the country I learned about in middle school and the nation we have become.

Where to begin? Anywhere, I guess...

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Things have been going so well for Patriots fans it's hard not to wonder if we're being set up. By fate or karma or whatever you call it. Maybe that's just me. As I grow older I feel increasingly uncomfortable speaking for anyone but myself. So, let me stick to me and my feelings.

I feel like the rest of the pigskin world has been working a super massive reverse jinx on the New England Patriots.