This is it. The end of an era. Not often we have advance notice. But, here we are…
NYJ vs. NEP, 1:00pm, January 7, 2024
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This is it. The end of an era. Not often we have advance notice. But, here we are…
NYJ vs. NEP, 1:00pm, January 7, 2024
There are no meaningless games to those who are playing.
I'm sure some smart guy said something like that once upon an upset.
I'm not a big fan of roller coaster rides but at least I didn't throw up at the end of this one.
It's ending badly, we all know that, but unfortunately, it can't end quickly. At least, not quickly enough.
We're going to have to watch this movie - Tennessee Bill and the Stadium of Doom, inarguably the worst movie in the Tennessee Bill franchise - at least three more times. On network TV, with commercials. Why would I do that to myself? And yet, I know I'm going to watch it again. I'm a mystery to myself.
"The Patriots scored a touchdown!"
-me, to my wife, 8:30 pm EST Thursday night because it was kind of amazing to see the Patriots just march down the field and score a touchdown and yes, that's an indictment of the 2023 New England Patriots and a sad commentary on my pigskin life