Saturday, October 10, 2015

This Is Not A Gambling Site

How do you know Roger Goodell is lying?

His lips move.

Goodell says he has no regrets about Deflategate. Presumably this means he's good with the money spent. Not to mention getting his ass handed to him in federal court.

Judge Richard Berman: Your ass, sir.

Meanwhile, the NFL still doesn't have anything credible to say about their random testing protocols for checking PSI levels in footballs at halftime and after the game. What will happen if at halftime the footballs measure, oh, I don't know, let's say they're 10.5 PSI or lower? You know, 2.0 PSI underinflated? Will that team be investigated? Will the league assume that team's quarterback had to be at least generally aware of some scheme to underinflate the game balls? Will he be suspended 4 games regardless of the dearth of evidence of any tampering with the footballs?

I mean, we're talking about the integrity of the game, aren't we?

Come to think of it, why isn't it mandatory PSI testing?

Because integrity.

Whatever. I mean, Goodell is a total feeb. What else can we expect? He says he's good with Deflategate. Why drop the appeal when there's a chance he might win? Maybe he's not as stupid as I think he is (I do have a very low opinion of his intellect, after all). Maybe he knows that no one will care by the next time he loses in court. We'll have more recent fish to fry by then.

We have more recent fish to fry right now, I suppose.

Back to the "I" word.

If Goodell and the League care so much about the integrity of the game, how do things like the end of that Lions-Seahawks game happen? How is it that some plays are not reviewable? Since the play in question involved a turnover – and I thought that when a play was reviewed everything was up for grabs – wasn't it reviewed? How did they still get it wrong? Because you can't review the nonreviewable elements of the play? Who thinks this makes any sense?

Oh. The League is going to look into it? Dry your tears Detroit Lions' fans. Your pain and suffering will result in a better pigskin world some day.

For those of you keeping score at home, I believe the fallout from that blown call makes it Belichick 4, NFL 0.

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