Like most New England fans, I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to talk myself into the 2011 Patriots as legitimate Super Bowl contenders. I say most because there’s a sizable minority that seems to be working the Reverse Jinx angle. You know, dismissing the Pats chances because of their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad defense. They miss no opportunity to loudly remind us of just how really, really bad this New England Patriots Defense is. Historically bad. Stupid bad. Wicked bad. One and done in the playoffs bad. The very definition of a bad joke bad…
A Priest, a Rabbi and an Imam walk into a bar where the New England Patriots Defense is having a beer, eating nachos and watching the Bruins play on the big screen TV. The Priest walks up to the bar with the Rabbi and the Imam, hands the bartender a pamphlet and says, “My brothers in God’s good works and I are collecting for charity; the Inter-Faith Fund for the Poor, Uneducated, Homeless and the Underemployed Who Turned to Petty Theft to Feed Their Starving Families. We were wondering if we might ask the patrons of your fine establishment for a contribution.” The bartender considers the request for a moment and says, “I guess that would be okay, but just one thing.” He nods to the Patriots Defense. “Don’t ask them for anything, they’ve given enough already.”