Wednesday, August 15, 2012


No, not the character in the Bond movies. It’s Shark Week! And "Jaws" is finally out on Blu-Ray. I still can’t believe they couldn’t get the disc out for the 4th of July. Five years ago. Did I mention it’s Shark Week?

I wouldn’t say "Jaws" is my absolute favorite movie of all time but I’m certain I’ve seen it more times than any other movie on my Top 10 List. It’s a 4th of July tradition in our house to watch "Jaws" and we have rarely missed. I’ll say I’ve seen it 30 times. I think we might be able to turn off the sound and run the dialog ourselves at this point.

After our most recent viewing, we contemplated our favorite lines from the movie. We agreed that "You’re gonna need a bigger boat" and "This was no boat accident" were off the table. In a sense, those two iconic lines became memes before we knew what memes were. "You’re gonna need a bigger boat" can be used in any scenario where the resources available are insufficient to the task at hand. You’ve probably used it at least once at work regardless of what your profession is. "This was no boat accident" may not have the broad appeal of "bigger boat" but it too can be used to great comic effect in the right circumstances.

My favorite line is "You’re the mayor of shark city!" delivered by Chief Martin Brody to Mayor Larry Vaughn after the disastrous opening of Amity’s beaches. It’s one of those ultimate Zen slap of awareness moments. I will often shout this line at politicians on television as they struggle to justify something stupid they’ve recently said or done.

Vickie will often quote, "I’m talkin’ about workin’ for a livin’! I’m talkin’ about sharkin’!" This is most often a response to someone whining about their shit upon lives; and no, these people are not living in Aleppo. She’s also quite fond of "I seen one eat a rockin’ chair once." Works occasionally in the context of the odd or unusual; following a particularly vivid encounter with a greeter at Wal-Mart, for example. 

A few others… 

"Amity, as you know, means ‘friendship’." – A tag line I use when watching politicians on television. Take just about any non-answer given by any politician from either party and append "Amity, as you know, means 'friendship'." Works every time. 

"Just for one day!" – At the town meeting, Chief Brody reluctantly announces they will be closing the beaches and the assembled townsfolk erupt. Through the din of "Oh, my cash flow!" and "How will I afford wintering in Florida!" Mayor Vaughn attempts to quell the mob with, "Just for one day!" I like to use this one after any litany of gloom and doom. 

"It’s happened before!" – Actually, I’ll to quote the rapid fire dialog exchanged by Mayor Vaughn and Councilman Meadows as they talk some sense to Chief Brody: "A summer girl goes out for a swim/She gets tired/A fishing boat comes along/It’s happened before!" It’s happened before. No matter how nonsensical your line of reasoning may be, just add "It’s happened before" and your position suddenly becomes unassailable. 

"It’s only an island if you look at it from the water." – As a man with a healthy fear of respect for the water (it might have something to do with almost drowning while taking swimming lessons – needless to say I failed the class) I can really appreciate Chief Brody’s sentiment here. It also serves as a more general philosophical observation that life is always about perspective. Let’s face it. We all live on islands. Some of us are just closer to the beach. 

The main reason I’ve been able to watch “Jaws” 30 times (or more) is simple; it’s a good movie. The existential moment Chrissie Watkins cries out in vain for God’s help, the immensity and indifference of the ocean, the subversive subtext of class, capitalism and politics, the tragic Ahab in Robert Shaw’s Quint and the reluctant hero in Roy Scheider’s everyman Martin Brody facing off against his own fears and the implacable monster – for “Jaws” is at its core a monster movie – makes for a movie that works every time for me. 

The Blu-Ray we pre-ordered arrived yesterday. I’m not sure we’ll be able to wait until next July.

1 comment:

  1. "he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes." - mostly 'cause I can do a passable Robert Shaw saying this line. - Steve
