Monday, July 30, 2012

60K Rounds of Ammo

Have I waited long enough?


So, I’ve been here and done this and I don’t suppose it will do any good this time either but I just can’t let it go. It’s time to do something about guns.

First things first, talking about guns and gun control in the wake of a tragedy like Aurora or Virginia Tech or Columbine is absolutely the right thing to do. Should we not talk about air safety after a plane crashes? If anything, I’ve waited too long.

So let’s talk.

Do you own a gun? If so, please don’t tell me you’re a Christian. What would Jesus do?  Would he go for the Remington pump action? Ideal for home defense!

Do you think the Constitution guarantees your right to own a gun? You do? Are you a member of a well regulated state militia? No? Well, I’m not sure you’re covered…

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The Second Amendment is an anachronism. It was a response to the conditions of the times when citizen-soldiers were expected to provide their own long rifle, powder and shot. It was a hedge against the tyranny of the newly formed federal government; insurance that our President would not become our King. A single malformed sentence that made the Civil War a historical inevitability, a war that took the lives of more than 600,000 Americans and in turn rendered the original intent of the second amendment moot. The Second Amendment had done enough damage long before Aurora.

The Constitution was not carved in stone. Slavery was legal in the first draft. Amendments have been made and repealed. Not that I’d like to see a Constitutional Convention called.  I’ll settle for judges applying the law as it was written. A well regulated Militia. Necessary to the security of the State. You can get together on the weekends, wear shiny hats and Kevlar vests and shoot holes in plywood effigies and when you’re done you can leave the guns and ammo at the armory. It’s cool.

Better yet, join the Army. Maybe you can get to Afghanistan before it’s too late.

(Too soon?)

If you drive a car, you first had to demonstrate proficiency in operating a motor vehicle before being issued a license. You have to have your car checked once a year to ensure that it is safe and conforms to minimum standards for safety. Every four years, you have to renew your license and pass an eye test. We agree to all of this because we know that a car, if not properly maintained, if not properly operated, can be a dangerous thing.

Should it be easier to own a gun than it is to own a car?

If you don’t think gun control laws can stop something like Aurora from happening, read this piece by Fareed Zakaria. Yeah. We’re all fucked up on guns.

Let's do something. Let's at least talk about it.

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