Friday, November 22, 2019

The Repeatable Experience

We've seen this movie before, haven't we? Underperforming in the regular season, featuring a blowout loss that has pigskin pundits questioning Tom Brady and the Patriots' Super Bowl bona fides? Check. Controversy? I'd say the endless Antonio Brown saga qualifies. A rash of injuries that seems to target a single position group? Well, we haven't gotten to the point where wide receivers are playing defensive back but I might be close to asking if any of the defensive backs played wide receiver in college… or high school… or pee wee football. 

Yeah. We've seen this movie before and we know how it ends. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Sky Is The Ceiling

It's been observed - often by the local pigskin pundits and bobbleheads guilty of the same sentiments - that only Patriots fans could find misery in an 8-0-0 record. Waiting for the Sunday night game and almost certain defeat at the hands of the Baltimore Ravens and their unicorn QB, Lamar Jackson, it just feels like a good time to try to cheer myself up.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Darth Hoodie Finds Your Lack of Faith Disturbing

I was thinking… Should I be upset that so many pigskin pundits and bobbleheads are playing the passive-aggressive disrespect card by finishing any discourse on the Patriots' dominance on defense with "but they haven't really played anyone yet" followed by the list of less than replacement level quarterbacks they've faced in posting an 8-0-0 record?

And I realized… No. 

Is here another team that responds to the slightest of slights like the New England Patriots?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Who Are These Guys?

Do we know who these 2019 New England Patriots are? You know, the team that hasn't played anyone. The BSOD offense in desperate need of a firmware upgrade. The team that's played more tomato cans than Andy Warhol. 

Who are these guys?

I think we could find out a few things this Monday night.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Chasing The Patriots Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

There's an old saying in football that if you're not running a quarterback sneak on 4th and 1, you probably shouldn't be going for it on 4th and 1.  

As noted, it's an old saying. So, why is a new, modern, millennial, disruptive, innovative offense like the Kansas City Chiefs running a quarterback sneak? 

Monday, October 14, 2019

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Adversity Isn't Just A Suburb of Boston

See what I did there? I'm riffing on "Denial isn't just a river…" Oh, you got it? Okay...

If you're a Patriots fan, you know this is when it really gets interesting. The team is running like a 20-year old Ford 150 in dire need of a tune up. Injuries are piling up and seem to be clustering around a few key position groups. Has there been controversy? (Antonio Brown. Check.) Are there rumors of a rift between Tom/Bill/Robert and Bill/Robert/Tom? (That's become a cottage industry for pigskin pundits and bobbleheads, hasn't it?) Somehow, the cap-strapped Patriots are connected to every disgruntled player on the Other 31. Meanwhile, New England is working out street free agents who are coming off a disappointing, injury-limited start to their careers. Hey, when you're short on cap cash, you got to shop at the pigskin Dollar Store.

Time to plug some holes in the wall with toothpaste…