Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
No, these aren't your older brother's Patriots. But they might just be your Dad's Patriots.
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Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.
No, these aren't your older brother's Patriots. But they might just be your Dad's Patriots.
The ball does have pointy ends, after all. You don't need a Dr. Ian Malcolm to tell you that means. Can we even call them "upsets" any more? That would presume we actually have some idea of what should happen and clearly, nobody does.
Maybe that's just me.
I'm starting to get comfortable with how little I know and not just about football. About everything. It explains a lot.
I love professional football but sometimes it feels like the game is the least important product the NFL is selling. The F does stand for football, doesn't it?
Sometimes you fall in love with an idea and no matter what you do or what you experience you can’t shake it, can’t fall out of love with it.
For Steve, walking the red carpet with Alison was that idea.
The New England Patriots got in the Wayback Machine on Sunday and spun the dial back to 2001.