“This is the guy you picked up at Poco’s Friday night? The guy you ditched me for?” Kathy asked.
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“This is the guy you picked up at Poco’s Friday night? The guy you ditched me for?” Kathy asked.
“I’m telling you man, planet Earth is just one big pet store for the Greys.”
“You’re an idiot, Jimmy,” Eric said, with a little too much force.
“Doesn’t make me wrong,” Jimmy said, oblivious to Eric’s tone.
"You're from the Portsmouth office, right?"
"That's right," Kate said. "I'm legal staff on the Synchular Audit."
James surveyed the salvage operation, now nearly complete. The sum of his twenty-six years had been packed in a large suitcase, a garment bag, and four cardboard boxes, which were stacked neatly on the floor, ready to be shipped to his new place in Wisconsin. His flight to Madison from Manchester left at 6:05pm. If anything, he was ahead of schedule. He realized, much to his surprise, that he felt good; not quite happy, but good. He would travel the road not taken, after all.