Monday, April 25, 2016

Justice is All About the Billable Hours

First, let me say that all of us east of the Connecticut River need to keep some perspective. On the Grand Stage of Injustice Tom Brady is merely a bit player. When it comes to Abuse of Power, Roger Goodell is little more than an offstage death. Okay, that may be wishful thinking on my part. Where was I before I imagining a Shakespearian end for the Commissioner? Oh, right. Perspective.

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of Article 46. Every hater west of the Connecticut River has a hard on. Tom Brady has already texted Adam Schefter that he isn’t going to bite the pillow and take the screwing but it’s hard to see how this ends any other way but badly for Brady, the Patriots and their fans.

Regardless of a further appeal and how it’s resolved, we can all look forward to a work stoppage when the current CBA expires and it’s time to negotiate a new deal. Thanks for being a dick, Roger. I sometimes wonder if maybe somebody bet Goodell that not even he could ruin the NFL and he’s desperately doing everything he can to win that wager.

The report from Schefter was hardly a surprise. I don’t see Brady throwing in his cards at this point. He’s genetically engineered not to quit. If there’s a legal maneuver left to make, Brady’s going to make it. Even so, the likelihood of a win for the NFLPA and TB12 seems to be somewhere closer to none than slim.

Brady isn’t going to accept blame for something he didn’t do so any deal to reduce the suspension that hinges on an admission of guilt is a non-starter. Not that I see a deal being offered by Goodell.

The Commissioner and the cabal of owners behind Deflategate finally have their foot firmly and legally on the throat of the Patriots. Why would Goodell even consider reducing the 4-game suspension at this point? He seems more likely to increase the suspension to 8 games than reduce it and I’m pretty sure the court of appeals just ruled he could do that if he so wishes. No, there won’t be a good faith show of leniency; a magnanimous gesture to mend fences. This was always about giving the rest of the league a 4-game head start on the Patriots and it still is.

So, the Patriots will play the first four games of the season without Tom Brady.

I’ll be surprised if they don’t start 4-0-0.

Belichick will be more than happy to remind Patriots players the League is out to get them. The League hates them. The League wants them to lose. The League wants to take their chance at a championship away from them.

There’s only one way to deal with that.


Get ready Arizona, Miami, Houston and Buffalo because New England is going to be ready for you.

Brady will get four games off that should pay dividends when the playoffs roll around. He’ll miss four games of hits, sacks and numerous opportunities for injury; he’ll attempt maybe 120 fewer throws and that’s important because at age 38 nothing qualifies as “normal wear and tear.” 

He’ll have four games to stoke the fires of revenge until they burn hot enough to melt the bones of his enemies.

It’s hard to imagine Tom Brady being even more driven to win. I’m looking forward to it.

I’ll be surprised if the Patriots don’t run the table after Brady returns.

As for the rest, little has changed. Haters gonna hate. Fellow citizens of Patriots Nation, don’t succumb to the desire to debate the mouthbreathers and the trolls who’ll pronounce this ruling as proof that Brady cheated. This was never about facts, science or justice. And never forget you’ll be arguing with people unfamiliar with facts, science or the correct spelling of justice. Instead, remember...

What goes around comes around.

I’ll be waiting when it gets here come February.

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