Thursday, January 5, 2023

Pigskin Perspective

 Tough week to be a football fan.

Even tougher week to be a football player. And a football player's family.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Pigskin Bereft (Almost)

Does the sign at the entry to 1 Patriot Place really read "Abandon hope all ye who enter here?" Yeah. I suppose the comedy hasn't been all that divine for the New England Patriots, lately, has it?

Wait! That "ye" isn't a reference to Kanye, is it?

Monday, December 19, 2022

Pigskin Nut Punch

I hadn't been kicked in the nuts - physically or figuratively - since middle school. That was, until yesterday, around 7:25 pm. Now the sign hanging in the factory of my mind reads "1 Days Since Last Being Kicked in the Nuts."