Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Streets of Rome

As the Roman Empire was declining toward its historical autumn, did the good people living in the seven hills realize what was happening? Or did they lay about on their couches obliviously eating grapes from leaden bowls, bemoaning the Senate’s inaction on long-needed aqueduct repairs, increasingly annoyed by the complaints of the serving class demanding a 15 dinar minimum wage, dismissing the threat of a ragtag bunch of Visigoths to the north because things are always messed up in Germania, arguing with their brothers-in-law on the weekend over the recent rule changes designed to improve gladiator safety while waiting in line at the colosseum.

“Why don’t they just put skirts on them?”

Oh. Right. Yeah. Skirts. I guess those guys were secure in their own skins.